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the APA Exchange

The Winter AMP Campaign will run November 1st, 2024 – January 31st, 2025

Enrollment will open October 1st and close November 15. Please direct all questions to sgetic@airstream.com

Year End Campaign & AMP Overview

AMP is designed to help our dealers get more people into an Airstream—and make a life of adventure a reality. Through carefully planned creatives and messaging and a full-funnel marketing approach, we’ll help your dealership increase its lead volume and unit sales. Find out how you can get more people to experience the freedom, exhilaration, and adventure of Airstream for themselves with AMP.

Winter AMP will be at least 50% covered by APA funds.

Not seeing the program for you? Schedule time here for program consultation.

With AMP, you’ll benefit from:

AMP Dealers see an average of a 17% lift in sales year over year
AMP is focused on moving units on your lot, participating AMP dealers have seen an average of a 17% lift in unit sales as compared to non AMP dealers.
20% off RV Trader inventory promotion
This gets you access to curated promotional programs on RV Trader designed to drive unit sales of specific inventory on your lot, including custom ad placement, management, and support. 
Compete against other RV Dealers in your territory
This AMP program is designed to win leads and drive prospects to your dealership.
Increased Market Awareness and Lead Generation
Be seen by more potential customers and double your lead volume over dealers who do not run AMP ads.

What You Get:

With AMP, you’ll get Airstream-branded assets that get you more leads and move units on your lot. From the discovery phase to stepping into the showroom to see an Airstream in person, we’ll help generate awareness, increase engagement, and drive more people to find their Airstream. You’ll receive tactics and assets targeted to your specific dealership territory, including, but not limited to the following:

Google Paid Search
When potential customers are in the market for an Airstream, they’ll head to a search engine. We’ll capture those customers here with paid search branded to your dealership. Plus, paid search helps you capture leads from your competitors as well.

Enhanced Reputation Management
Improve your local dealership reputation through increased Google reviews to drive more traffic to your dealership. Initial results show that participating dealers increased Google reviews by 400%.

RV Trader Inventory Advertising
Get 20% off through AMP and promote your new Airstream inventory on RV Trader with premium select, premium, and featured placements. Your units will appear on the RV Trader homepage as well as at the top of the Search Result pages as soon as a prospect searches for units in your territories.

Inventory Lead Generation
Promote products with Facebook & Instagram ads that feature both the interior and exterior of each model. This program is not only designed to drive more leads to your dealership, but also to advertise to prospects who have visited your website or interacted with your social ads.

New Audience Lead Generation
Drive new prospects to your dealership with this social media advertising program that targets new Airstream audiences. Examples include Basecamp ads for Kayakers and Interstate 24X ads for an Overland/Mountain Biking audience.

VIN Based Display Ads
Advertise VINs sitting on your lot to individuals actively shopping and visiting RV dealerships with VIN VIN-based display ads. These function by targeting high-value keywords and geofencing RV dealers & campgrounds.

Get Started in Two Simple Steps

Step 1
Review the advertising & marketing support tiers

AMP allows you to choose how you invest with different tiers of ad spend. Year after year, larger investments have proven to result in more awareness and increased leads for dealers.

Regardless of which tier you choose, APA will cover at least 50% of the program investment. You will only have to pay the remaining 50% out of pocket. That doubles the investment power behind every dollar spent.

The Winter AMP campaign will run from November 1 – January 31, 2025. Enroll by November 15, 2024, to get started with AMP.

Billing: The 50% program cost that is covered by APA will be automatically submitted and approved in AirHub. The remaining 50% will be billed directly to your dealership.

Step 2
Select your program investments

To drive the most value for your dealership, you can customize your program in combination with any advertising package you select. This enables you to make your enrollment decisions based on your dealership’s inventory.

Select your program tier for travel trailer and/or touring coach and get access to customize your program with additional options to build in additional support.

You can customize media spend to specific tactics or enroll in additional marketing activities like reputation management and social media posting.

All pricing is for the duration of the campaign unless noted otherwise. Your dealer contribution is 50% the summation of your selections. Note: if your APA fund does not cover the cost of your selections, you will be invoiced the difference.

Advertising Campaign Tiers

Budgets for advertising packages are monitored and optimized throughout the duration of the campaign to yield the strongest performance across platforms. Choose one of our three advertising packages, or design a custom package with the advertising tactics and spend that fit your unique needs.

  Foundational Lead Gen Inventory Lead Gen Market Expansion Lead Gen
  $10,000 $15,000 $20,000
Performance Dashboard
Google Paid Search
Place your dealership at the top of search results
Inventory Lead Generation Program
Promote models on your lot with proven corporate creative designed to drive leads. These ads drive prospects from Facebook & Instagram to download product brochures. Select 2 models with the Foundational or Inventory package, and up to 4 with the Market Expansion package.
RV Trader
Promote new Airstream inventory on your lot with RV Trader’s VIN-based premium select, premium, and featured inventory placements.
New Audience Lead Generation
Drive new prospects to your dealership with specific social media advertising targeted at new Airstream audiences. These ads will be tested and optimized within corporate campaigns to ensure maximum effectiveness. The Fall AMP campaigns will support Mountain Biking and Overlanding for I19X (TC) and Kayakers for Basecamp (TT).

Marketing Support Tiers

Marketing support tiers are built to drive impact for your dealership through items like foot traffic reports, enhanced reputation management, and organic social posting.

  Market Intelligence Review Driver Comprehensive
  $850 $3,000 $3,200
Dealership Foot Traffic Report
Specialized market report on your region to see foot traffic trends, common routes to your dealership, and audience demographic data on prospects coming to your dealership.
Corporate Digital Asset Kit
Get access to RV Trader descriptions and best performing corporate ad assets to use in your marketing.
Reputation Management Service
We actively monitor and manage online reviews and feedback on your behalf, ensuring your dealership consistently presents a trustworthy and responsive image. You’re only contacted when there’s a need for your direct input or decision.
Social Media Posting (Facebook)
Posting approved Airstream content to your Facebook & Instagram pages, keeping potential buyers informed and engaged with your dealership’s offerings.